Competing Decisions if Trump Should Remain on Primary Ballot

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Should former President Donald Trump be on the primary ballot? That’s a question some states are considering. States like Colorado and Maine argue Trump is not qualified to be on the ballot because of his actions after the 2020 presidential election. Other states argue he should remain on the ballot.  

In a ruling from Maine’s Secretary of State, they said Trump violated his oath of office because he engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States. Other states like California announced Trump would remain on the ballot. In Michigan and Minnesota, the courts ruled that election officials cannot bar the republican party from including Trump on their primary ballots. With these competing decisions, political scientists believe our highest court could get involved quickly.  

“The questions the Supreme Court will have to take up are: is the president an officer of the constitution and secondly does the 14th amendment still hold even though it was particularly written about the Civil War and thirdly does the president have to be convicted before the states can move forward on this making the evidence is on their side; I think the Supreme Court will find Donald Trump is of course was an officer of the United States, he swore to protect and defend the constitution the fact that he hasn’t been convicted they’ll like to stay on the side of staying out of politics and allowing everybody to participate in politics even in elections so I think they will probably find that that this is a violation of his due process,” said Dr. Todd Belt, professor and director of political management at George Washington University. “The third thing I think they will also use and this is a way to get around the 14th amendment and that is the first amendment gives the parties the right to determine their nominee and if the state is taking away this power of the parties; they’re violating their first amendment of association which is guaranteed.” 

The Colorado Republican Party has asked the Supreme Court to hear an appeal of the Colorado decision.