Democrats Sound Alarm as Trump Targets Obamacare

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, is starting to turn into a 2024 campaign issue for both sides of the aisle. 

In recent weeks, former President Donald Trump, the 2024 GOP frontrunner, said he wants to seriously consider other alternatives if he wins a second term. Democrats around the country are warning the move would leave millions without health care. 

“We need to be making it easier for folks to have access to health care. We need to make sure that more folks are brought into the process to make sure that they can have their situation covered,” said Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor Austin Davis. 

Davis says getting rid of the Affordable Care Act would put millions in his state at risk of losing coverage. 

“More than 1.5 million Pennsylvanians have health care coverage that would be put at risk. At least 2.5 million people in Pennsylvania living with preexisting conditions could lose their health care,” said Davis. 

As of this year, roughly 40 million Americans are covered under the ACA, the highest total on record. Supporters call Obamacare a lifeline that has expanded Medicaid eligibility, created a health insurance marketplace and helped those with preexisting conditions for the past 13 years.  

Now, Davis, and Democrats around the country, are sounding the alarm after 2024 Republican frontrunner, former President Donald Trump, said he would consider replacing it, if elected. 

“The cost of Obamacare is out of control, plus, it’s not good Healthcare. I’m seriously looking at alternatives,” said Trump last month on Truth Social.  

“If Donald Trump has his way, folks are going to lose their health care insurance. Folks are going to see skyrocketing health care costs and they’re going to see people put at risk,” said Davis. “We can’t afford that here in Pennsylvania and we can’t afford it in the United States of America,” he added. 

“I don’t like government-supplied everything. I do like people having that personal choice to do those things,” said Congressman Mike Kelly (R- PA). 

Kelly believes there would need to be a clear alternative in place- one that works for his constituents- before there’s any repeal of the ACA. 

“You have to have a clear alternative. Some people have health care that they never had before. I’d rather say, ‘okay, let’s look at the features and the benefits, do they add value for the people that we represent,’” said Kelly. 

Vocal opponents to Obamacare say it limits patient choice through regulations, raises taxes and interferes in the decisions patients make with their doctors.