Department of Education Launches Anonymous Helpline

The Virgin Islands Department of Education (VIDE) announces the launch of its anonymous helpline through ComplianceLine, an independent company, where students, employees, and the public can report concerns of student safety or Department misconduct securely and confidentially.

The 24-hour service is available seven days a week and is staffed by trained professionals who receive reports by phone, text or online. Users can register complaints in more than 35 categories in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole.

Education Commissioner Nominee Dr. Dionne Wells-Hedrington praised the effort as a way to ensure greater accountability at the Department.

“It is a new day at the VIDE, where we are holding ourselves to a higher standard of accountability and transparency than ever before,” she said. “We want students, employees, and our community to feel confident to report concerns, such as child abuse, bullying, sexual harassment, campus safety threats, fraud or other wrongdoing without the fear of retribution. A key priority for the Department is to ensure safe and welcoming school environments for students to learn, and the establishment of ComplianceLine is an important part of that commitment.”

Reports submitted through ComplianceLine will be sent to the appropriate local agencies for further investigation. Users may choose to remain anonymous and are not required to provide any self-identifying information.

“We ask that you only use this important service if there are real concerns of wrongdoing at the Department,” Wells-Hedrington said. “It should not be used as a tool for spiteful actions or retaliation against others for personal reasons. We want to ensure its integrity and our ability to investigate and address legitimate concerns quickly.”

Reports can be filed through ComplianceLine by calling or texting “REPORT” to 1 (800) 403-2461 or visiting

ComplianceLine is not an emergency service and should not be used for events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Users requiring emergency assistance should call 911.