Senate Prepares for Short-Term Spending Measure to Avert Partial Shutdown

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The first of two deadlines to extend government funding and avert a partial shutdown is next Friday. Some federal departments are funded through Jan. 19, and others, through Feb. 2.

Leaders of Congress are working to solidify a deal and bring it up for a vote next week. 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D- NY) announced today that he plans to move forward with a short-term measure, known as a continuing resolution, to keep the government funded as lawmakers work to pass full-year spending bills. 

Some conservative lawmakers, especially in the House, are opposed to yet another short-term spending bill at current funding levels. Opposition from some conservative House members could pose a threat to an agreement between Schumer and House Speaker Mike Johnson (R- LA) on top-line funding levels. 

The calls from members of his own caucus to walk away from the deal struck with Schumer last weekend, places the Speaker in a tough spot, yet again. 

“We’re having thoughtful conversations about funding options and priorities. We had a cross-section of members in today, we’ll continue having cross sections of members in. While those conversations are going on, I’ve made no commitments. If you hear otherwise, it’s just simply not true,” said Speaker Johnson on Thursday. 

“Right now, there are 30 or so hard-right Republicans in the House who labor under the illusion that they can bully everyone else into submission to get their narrow, hard-right agenda enacted into law,” said Leader Schumer Wednesday. 

Schumer, who plans to move forward with the short-term measure, indicated that members should be prepared to take the first procedural vote for it on Tuesday.