Thousands Head to Washington, D.C. to March for Life

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Despite winter weather conditions, thousands of pro-life advocates marched for life today and rallied on the National Mall. For over 50 years, the annual March for Life has marked the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling which legalized abortion in all 50 states. 

Despite a few inches of snow in the nation’s capital, Paul and James Peyla traveled from nearby Elkridge, MD. 

“First, we believe in the pro-life movement. It’s always been an important part of my life,” said Paul Peyla. 

“I’m not a super political person, but this is one thing where I feel pretty strongly about, so this is something I’m willing to come out for,” said James Peyla. 

Others traveled hundreds of miles to be here, like Jaden Heard from Auburn, AL. 

“I came here to defend life and protect the unborn and speak out for those who can’t speak for themselves,” said Heard. 

The annual march has advocated to overturn Roe for decades. Since the Dobbs decision reversed Roe, Heard says the march is now a call to action at the state level. 

“After Roe was overturned, the battle just began and now you have to go to each state and urge voters to urge their legislators to pass pro-life bills that will protect life from conception,” said Heard. 

“It can definitely be difficult, obviously with censorship, with free speech and people judging you,” said Carrena Falls from Minneapolis, MN. 

Falls, an advocate for Students for Life, says it’s difficult being young and pro-life, but that it’s also rewarding. 

“I found out late last year that one life was saved because of my pro-life work. Even if that was the only life I was able to help save my whole life, it would be completely worth all the controversy, all the hate comments and all of that, because ultimately, that’s what it’s all about,” said Falls. 

Recent surveys show that roughly 75 percent of 18–29-year-olds believe abortion should be legal. Felipe Avila says he’s here to challenge the status quo. 

“I think I’m willing to bear this weather and so much more for a cause that I think transcends me and goes well beyond generations,” said Avila.